Plot Background and Haven Concept

I need to share the plot background to this project to help give the visual style. So here it is

The year is 2050, a hacker group called Omni steals the freedoms of all people on a worldwide scale. The world being so connected ends up causing its greatest downfall. The hacker group unhappy with the way governments of the world have been governing its people, takes matters into their own hands and acquires all government access codes. On the 1st of May Omni shuts down all power plants and causes a global blackout. A broadcasting message soon plays an hour later informing the state of the world to the people. In the message instructions are given to where they can regain their freedoms. Unfortunately our freedoms had a different meaning to Omni and regaining our freedoms meant for us to live in 12 colonies that were secretly established across the world where every citizen is of middle class. In fact no person is more privileged in the next. Of course this caused mixed emotions from the people, some found this life a more suitable arrangement. Others, mostly the rich, were outraged and those who try to establish dominance over others disappeared in the night. There is no crime in the colonies, you hear rumors of the occasional disturbance, but all bodies of the names involved in such rumors go missing as well. Its ironic that the only rule Omni says we are required to respect while in the colonies is that "one must not impend upon another person's freedom." Living out of the colonies are the remaining government and government officials. They have banded together to form a group known as the Order. They plan to regain their system of government and overcome the global takeover. Limited in there technology The Order can not communicate with modern technology. In fact they cant even use modern technology as long as its connected to through the net. Omni has full control of the net and many believe that they see everything in the colonies through hidden cameras. The colonies can not be entered from the outside, and no person is allowed to leave. Somehow food and water is entering the colonies, but the sources are unknown. The colonies are guarded by 2 different type of entities. The Order has given them the names Golem's and Spirits. Golems are hostile ground monsters that protect the outside of the colonies and Spirits are somewhat ethereal flying beings that protect the skies.

Forward 10 years its 2060 and the Order has been moving in the shadows of the outside world. They gathered there resources and devised a plan to get past the colonies first line of defense, the Golems. But to say get past is technically inaccurate, they plan to capture a Golem in hopes to find a suitable weakness they can exploit. To do this the Order has created 3 mechs with considerably strong capabilities to confront a Golem. The Order has also been getting help from a very unlikely source during these past few years. In an attempt to revert society to the way it once was, another exceptionally skilled hacker group by the name Igloo has been leaking details and information to Order from inside the colonies. Limited to what they can do without being discovered they plan to launch a consecutive cyber attack from the inside with the Order. Here is where the story begins...

Now i am working on gradually gathering a cohesive style for my project. I have been working on the concept to Mech Transporter called Haven and this is what I have so far.

Its a start but I would like to achieve something more mechanical and rugged. I think this vehicle is to clean to be created without the use of much industrial means.


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